Home / Flight TUS35 Travel Series Natural Soprano Ukulele

Flight TUS35 Travel Series Natural Soprano Ukulele

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    Plastic Fantastic! Conventional wisdom will say that plastic ukuleles are cheap, low-quality substitutes for "the real thing." Well, it's time to kick conventional wisdom out the door! Built unapologetically from plastic, the sound quality of these ukuleles will blow you away, and their durability will make them Keith Richards' instrument of choice after Armageddon hits. These ukes are perfect for rainy festivals, cramped overhead lockers, moody teenagers, and ukulele teachers working with young children. Thanks to a wider arched ABS back, this baby has more volume in middle range than your average soprano, while also resonating better and sounding brighter. It is needless to mention the durability and resistance to humidity changes, the main enemies of the wooden ukuleles. Linden is a wood characterised by a bright sound and sleek texture. It also absorbs water colors in a very interesting way creating very cool patterns, which means that no uke is the same and your uke will be the...
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